12 - 13
A web of multiple cuts and connections.
A collection of organs
forming a tender body
with long tentacles.
Hannah De Meyer invites artists, performers, musicians, poets and scientists for a 5-hour happening at V36. Works and practices that in some way resonate with hers. co-curation Dina Dooreman
In collaboration with Maika Garnica, Liew Niyomkarn, Koba De Meutter, Melanie Bonajo, Sietske Van Aerde, Azahara Ubera, Julia Dyck, Lara Brown, Jacobin, Lieze Roels and Rosa Lambert.
Mekong, a sound performance by Maika Garnica & Liew Niyomkarn. A synthetic interplay between sculpture, water and sound.
Sculptures by Koba De Meutter that question the idea of functionality.
Baubo’s Cave a Present for Hannah, an installation by Sietske Van Aerde.
Night Soil – Economy of Love, an experimental documentary by Melanie Bonajo.
Minute Bodies: The Intimate world of F. Percy Smith, movie showing the micro-worlds filmed by amateur biologist F. Percy Smith. Composer Stuart Staples composed an original score.
Performance by Hannah De Meyer, the porous and explosive relations between the human, the animal and the vegetal are central to her work.
PLANTA, a choreography for plants by Azahara Ubera, Lara Brown and Julia Dyck.
Music performance by Jacobin (Jasper Segers). Through careful, ongoing layering he transforms, morphs the electronic data into vibrant organic landscapes.
Lecture by Lieze Roels and Rosa Lambert
Food provided by Wow Food
They make delicious meals with local food remains that otherwise would go to waste.
image: Batia Suter
images: Dries Segers